Proud movement! India receives first Boltzmann Award

Statistical physicist Dr. Deepak Dhar received this award
The world-renowned Boltzmann Prize in Statistics is awarded to statistical physicist Dr. Deepak Dhar was declared. This is the first time that India has received this award. This is the largest award in the field of statistical physics. Just like The Nobel Prize is considered as prestigious, The award is announced every three years.
The award is announced by the Statistical Commission of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics. The awards have been announced since 1975. This award is given for substantial and important research in statistical physics. The award for the year 2022 goes to Dr. Dhar and Dr. John Hopfield of Princeton University in the United States.
The statistical study of the workings of geometric structures (fractrals), self-organized complex structures, statistical problems related to animals, and the changing structures in magnets and glass. Is a feature of Dhar’s research. The famous physicist Dr. Richard Feynman’s student. Hold on right now He is working as a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Physics at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune (EISAR).
The scientific community is expressing the feeling that this award is a matter of pride for the country.
Life introduction:
Dr. Deepak Dhar (born: 30 October 1951)
– Born at Pratapgad in Uttar Pradesh.
– Degree in Science from Allahabad University.
– Post Graduate Degree from IIT Kanpur in 1972
– Ph.D. from California Institute of Technology, USA.
– Returned to India in 1978 and started research at Tata Institute of Basic Sciences.
– Visiting Professor at the University of Paris (1984-85) Awards and honors received:
– Fellow: The World Academy of Sciences, Indian Academy of Sciences, Indian National Science Academy In 1991.
He was awarded the Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar Award, the highest scientific award in the country .
– International theoretical physics.
The Center awarded him the 1993 J.P. Robert Schreifer nominated for the award.
– INSA again honored Dhar with Satyendranath Bose Medal in 2001.
– Received the TWAS Award from The World Academy of Sciences in 2002.
At first I didn’t know what to say. Of course this is a very happy thing. As Newton put it, scientists are little children collecting oysters on the shores of the ocean. Suddenly someone gets a precious mussel in hand. Also, a scientist is fortunate enough to work on some of the world’s most important scientific mathematics.
– Pvt. Dr. Deepak Dhar, Boltzmann Medalist, Eicher, Pune.